About Esther Whitehead:
BSc (hons), DipTEFL, PGLitEd


Esther Whitehead is an experienced educator and trainer who has taught primary, secondary, and adult students with learning differences in a variety of schools and workplace settings in several countries. Her passion is equality and diversity in learning. With a background in Literacy/Dyslexia and EAL (English as an Additional Language), she has led professional development in these domains. Esther has spent the last eight years working as an independent educator and director of Kip McGrath Education Centre in Queenstown NZ, providing literacy and numeracy tutoring for students in consultation with parents, schools and Special Education Services.

Esther began working with the DFNZ and Neil Mackay in 2009 and is a 4D consultant and trainer offering expertise, advice, and help in initiating 4D policy, strategy and implementation within schools throughout NZ.

In 2011, Esther became the Dyslexia Foundation's Managing Trustee.

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Content may be reproduced with permission of DFNZ, contact info@dfnz.org.nz